Oracle Financials RXi Reports

Oracle Financials RXi Reports

RXi is the Reports Exchange and is a tool that works in the same way for many Applications. is one of the way to generate the flexible reports. It's Users are given with an option to setup the report layout based on their own business requirement.
Here layout means user can choose the required columns, Summation of particular columns at page level or report level, Count of rows etc.,

Navigation For RXi Reports Setup:

Select Responsibility Report eXchange Designer

Select SetupRXi               Select RXi Report to setup

We can have multiple Attribute Sets for each kind of report layout

Select column Details to For ordering Column values and having Sum and count of Columns

Click on Summary Details

Purging RXi Report Data:

    Use the Purge RX Interface Data concurrent program to purge data from the RX interface tables.

Most RXi reports insert data into an interface table before generating the report with an attribute set.

 You can periodically run the Purge Data from RX Interface Tables concurrent program to remove this data.

  Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the concurrent program  Purge Data from RX Interface Tables.

Running the RXi Reports:

Run the RXi report to extract data to the temporary interface table.

Run the “Publish RX Reports” concurrent program to print the extracted data with the attribute set and output format that you want.

By using the Publish RX Reports concurrent program we can have the report output in multiple formats like Text, CSV , HTML etc.,
