
Showing posts from 2011

Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions

SQL & PL/SQL : 1) How to Come out from a pl/sql Procedure execution Explicitly based on a condition ? 2) What are The Collection Types in pl/sql ? 3) Tell me the pl/sql table predecates ? 4) Can we declare package body without specification ? 5) How to handle the exceptions that fire while using Bulk Collect ? 6) Name the pl/sql Packages given by oracle other than DBMS_OUTPUT ?     Ans:  dbms_sql ,dbms_utility, dbms_random REPORTS 6i: 1) How we can use the Confine Mode in Reports ? 2) Can we assign multiple templates to a single Report ? 3) Req: My Report need to show the number of records displayed out of all records like             10 Of 1000 Records in each page how to implement ? BI Publisher : 1) How to make the RTF report to display header and footer only in First page ? FORMS 6i: 1) Which trigger first fire when we open the form ? 2) At last which trigger fire when we close the form? 3) Tell me the...

Dynamic SQL

Dyanmic SQL: Dynamic SQL is a programming methodology for generating and running SQL statements at run time. It is useful when writing general-purpose and flexible programs like ad hoc query systems, when writing programs that must run database definition language (DDL) statements, or when you do not know at compilation time the full text of a SQL statement or the number or data types of its input and output variables. PL/SQL provides two ways to write dynamic SQL: Native dynamic SQL, a PL/SQL language (that is, native) feature for building  and running dynamic SQL statements DBMS_SQL  package, an API for building, running, and describing dynamic SQL statements Native dynamic SQL code is easier to read and write than equivalent code that uses the  DBMS_SQL  package, and runs noticeably faster (especially when it can be optimized by the compiler). However, to write native dynamic SQL code, you must know at compile time the number and data types of the...

Keyboard Navigation with Tab Control In Oracle Forms

Here is an example for trap "Crtl-TAB" to Move to the Next tab in a form Edit the the Resource-file for your Configuration for example: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/admin/resoures/US/frmwebus.res or frmwebd.res ..or ( Details see Note: 209671.1 ) seach for Key you don't need in your application for example: Key-F2 Comment the line out, per "#": ## 113 :3 "Shift-Ctrl+F2" :84 : "Funktion 2" create a new line 9 : 2 : "Crtl-Tab" : 84 : "Ctrl Tab" Create FORM-Level Trigger KEY-F2 BEGIN NULL; -- ( or what you like to do, When Crtl-Tab is pressed ) END;


I create and populate the following table: CREATE TABLE plch_tab (item VARCHAR2 (10)) / BEGIN INSERT INTO plch_tab VALUES ('Keyboard'); INSERT INTO plch_tab VALUES ('Mouse'); COMMIT; END; / I then create this function to fetch a row from a cursor variable and return the item: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION plch_getitem ( plch_cur IN SYS_REFCURSOR) RETURN plch_tab.item%TYPE IS lvretval plch_tab.item%TYPE; BEGIN FETCH plch_cur INTO lvretval; RETURN lvretval; END plch_getitem; / Now I need to write a block that will fetch the rows from the table and display both the count of rows fetched and the name of that last item fetched. Here is an almost complete version of this block: DECLARE lvitem plch_tab.item%TYPE; test_cur SYS_REFCURSOR; BEGIN OPEN test_cur FOR SELECT * FROM plch_tab ORDER BY item; /*FETCH*/ DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Count = ' || test_cur%ROWCOUNT); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('...

How to Apply Timers In Forms

Checked relevance 06-Feb-2008 Purpose ======= The objective of this note is to explain how to apply and handle timers in Forms.  This note covers time-initiated processing; that is, processing that occurs after a certain amount of time has elapsed.  The mechanism you use to do this is called a "Timer" and it is created, modified, and deleted at run-time. This document consists of the following sections: 1. What is a Timer? 2. What are the Built-in Functions for Timers? 3. When Can You Use Timers? 4. How to Create a Timer 5. How to Modify a Timer 6. How to Delete a Timer 7. How to Handle Timer Expiration    -- What is the Relationship Between Timer Expiration and Timer Queue? 8. An Example for Showing "About" Information Using a Timer in the Form 9. Known Bugs With the Use of Timer in Forms 1) What is a Timer? =================== Typically, Forms process events that are (originally) initiated by the user.  You can use timers whe...

IMP Profiles in Oracle Quotes & i Store

Profile Option Name  Value  IBE:Category Set  Valid Value from LOV  IBE:Item Master Organization  Valid Value from LOV  MO:Operating unit  Valid Value from LOV  IBE:Price Event For Shopping Cart  Batch Processing  IBE:Create Order In Entered State if It has errors while Booking  Yes  IBE:Shopping Event Before Shopping Cart  Enter Order Line  IBE:Default Payment Term  Valid Value from LOV  JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_APPLICATION  671  JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_CSS  jtfucss.css  JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY  USD  JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_RESPONSIBILITY  21819 (iStore Admin at Application Level)  ASO:Automatic Numbering  Yes  ASO:Credit Card Authorzation  Yes (if CC Allowed)  ASO:Default Quote Status  Store Draft  ASO:Default Order State  Booked  ASO:Default Order Type  Mixed  ASO:Default Sales Rep  No sales cred...

Script For Order Management (API)

create or replace package comms_om_new is -- Purpose : Deal with order management process PROCEDURE main( itemtype in varchar2, itemkey in varchar2, actid in number, funcmode in varchar2, resultout in out varchar2); PROCEDURE book(x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2, x_msg_count OUT NUMBER, x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE auto_full(errbuf OUT VARCHAR2, retcode OUT VARCHAR2, p_line_id IN NUMBER, p_user_id IN NUMBER ); PROCEDURE pick_release(x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2, x_msg_count OUT NUMBER, x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE ship_confirm(x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2, x_msg_count OUT NUMBER, x_msg_data OUT ...