Technical Perspective: Transactions
AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES Imp Columns: payment_schedule_id amount_due_original amount_due_remaining customer_trx_id cash_receipt_id trx_number status --Possible Values are CL- Closed , OP-Opened amount_applied class AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES stores customer balance information at the transaction level. Each transaction's balance is stored as a unique record, based on the primary key, payment_schedule_id. The class column identifies the transaction type and determines which columns Receivables updates when a transaction is stored. For billing transactions, the AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES table joins the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX table via the customer_trx_id column and stores NULL in the cash_receipt_id column. For payment transactions, the AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES table joins the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS table via the cash_receipt_id column and stores ...